Release history: ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.29 2018-03-14 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1412] - Innovative Economy and E.U. Dev Fund text [DEV-2098] - OG - Check-in Enabled UI [DEV-2099] - OG - Online Check-in w rezerwacji [DEV-2579] - OPT - Loading the BedView [DEV-2671] - Update Passport Scanner Integration tool [BUG FIXES] [DEV-2358] - Channel Manager - Add ons don´t appear in the bookings [DEV-2474] - Email Notifications - no rate info in New BE Reservation email [DEV-2688] - Shift Switch - add discrepancy to automatic transfer [DEV-2704] - AirBnB plugin keeps loading after trying to save the calendar links [DEV-2709] - Invoices - when add a line manually in the invoice I cannot choose any tax % [DEV-2710] - BedView - Scroll up issue [DEV-2727] - Reports - Wrong occupancy % in Room Type Stats report [DEV-2730] - BedView bug: disappearing view on scrolling [DEV-2731] - BedView Bug - the view is jumping while editing a reservation [DEV-2735] - BedView bug - scrolling issue [DEV-2740] - CM - Reservation marked as no show but cancelled on extranet [DEV-2746] - BE - Booking on mobile [DEV-2751] - Channel Manager - Airbnb booking didn't appear in the system [DEV-2756] - White stripe on the bottom of the page after clicking on the caneldar on BedView [DEV-2759] - Dashboard - Total Outstanding not showing all information [DEV-2760] - LibreDTE - Can't take payment [DEV-2761] - Booking Engine - text overwritten when finalizing booking [DEV-2763] - Strategies - Can´t open strategy manager [DEV-2770] - Can't open property - Unik. Apartments [DEV-2771] - Reservation - No Total Reservation in the tooltip [DEV-2772] - Channel Manager - AirBnB calendar links disappear from the mappings after some time [DEV-2775] - Channel Manager - the system sometimes does not update the availability when add a booking or block beds [DEV-2776] - BE Group Engine doesn't work [DEV-2778] - API error [DEV-2779] - Shift Switch - Account doesn't appear in Shift Summary for all properties [DEV-2784] - Shift switch - doesn't update staff member's name [DEV-2785] - Reservation not downloaded to the system [DEV-2789] - City tax - disabled by default [DEV-2793] - Autoemail not sent to guest (on staging) [DEV-2799] - Channel Manager - MyAllocator bookings don't enter in one of the properties [DEV-2805] - Account balance report - by "reporting date" not loading [DEV-2815] - Daily Production Report is not taking cancellations into account (29) [DEV-2816] - Not possible to open CC details [DEV-2821] - AGODA - for double rooms send occupancy double and single [DEV-2822] - Reservation not downloaded from ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.28 2018-02-28 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1022] - Implement View selection in booking engine [DEV-1304] - Rezerwacje nie wchodzące do systemu podczas zatrzymywania CM (deploy) [DEV-1354] - Online Guest Account - Logout button [DEV-1579] - Optymalizacja zapytań (do wrzucenia zadanie Michała) [DEV-1893] - OPT - Channel Manager optymalizacja [DEV-1916] - Lead Time Report [DEV-1962] - Hide default categories for Widthrawal and Deposit option [DEV-1991] - OPT BE API- Ładowanie się multi BE [DEV-2004] - OPT/BUG - Saving Changes In Contacts When Switching Menus or Paying (refactoring saving reservation) [DEV-2033] - OPT - Accounts & Transactions - FinancialAccountCategories [DEV-2034] - OPT - Sell Items [DEV-2035] - OTP - BedView - RoomUses [DEV-2036] - OPT - Start - Guest And Reservations [DEV-2037] - OPT - Start - Permissions [DEV-2038] - OPT - Start - OnlineUsers [DEV-2042] - OPT - Take Payments [DEV-2092] - Price Strategies Improvements [DEV-2109] - Strategy Manager Improvements [DEV-2127] - Log Agoda [DEV-2211] - Set Accounting Date to Check-In Date of the booking [DEV-2213] - City Tax - Add new city in Croatian city tax [DEV-2225] - Printout per person [DEV-2226] - UI - Gniot [DEV-2282] - BE Chat - Disable for Super Admin [DEV-2291] - Start Passport Scanner [DEV-2347] - Housekeeping Bugs! [DEV-2383] - DGP - Police Report for Spain [DEV-2414] - BE - Show photos p1 [DEV-2475] - AirBnB [DEV-2487] - CM - Brak dat przy pobieraniu rezerwacji [DEV-2494] - Online Guest Account - Link do otwierania OG [DEV-2496] - UI - Menu map [DEV-2524] - New Preoperty Managementen - improvementes [DEV-2553] - Channel Manager - Despegar availability update [DEV-2578] - Reservation not downloaded from [DEV-2580] - AGODA to fix [DEV-2583] - City Tax, Amsterdam - for Euphemia Hostel [DEV-2649] - Reservation - Entering prices per month v.2` [DEV-2652] - New {PaidToDate} key for the emails [BUG FIXES] [DEV-559] - Minimum Stay Upgrade [DEV-1703] - Deactivating booking methods [DEV-1858] - BookingEngine - Check out date earlier than the booking date [DEV-1892] - Discrepancy Report problem [DEV-2040] - A&T: Scroll bar jumping problem [DEV-2049] - Wolny system - wolny czas reakcji RealTime [DEV-2187] - Take payment - Payment in different currency with surcharge creates strange refund [DEV-2192] - CM - Modification didn't appear in the system but it appears in the log [DEV-2193] - Reservation - Arrival time changes affected the price [DEV-2214] - Problematic reservation - already exists in the system [DEV-2219] - Bulk Update - Close Room restriction [DEV-2235] - Accounts and Transactions - Loading very slowly (28) [DEV-2236] - Translation - Can't tralslate a key [DEV-2241] - Channel Manager - HostelWorld booking didn´t enter [DEV-2255] - Modification from - wrong total and balance due [DEV-2257] - Deposits - returned deposit doesn't appear in Accounts and Transactions [DEV-2273] - Incorrect balance due - to refund with balance due 0.00 [DEV-2276] - When put the date manually on BedView or in Block Beds window an error appers in Console [DEV-2296] - Shift Switch - starting balance while opening shift [DEV-2298] - Reservation Details - Can't enter DOB manually [DEV-2310] - Point of Sale - if I add a item for mistake, I can't delete it - Delete button hidden [DEV-2316] - Channel Manager - System dind't sent the information to about No Show. [DEV-2317] - Primavera - Too long guest name causes en error while taking payment [DEV-2320] - Item Manager - category disappears after selecting Track Inventory checkbox [DEV-2335] - Accounts and Transactions - The transaction hour is different in the system and in the imported CSV file [DEV-2353] - OPT - Start - Deposits [DEV-2354] - OPT - Start - Housekeeping [DEV-2385] - Import - can't import previously deleted booking [DEV-2399] - Add API to PROD [DEV-2403] - Accommodation Revenue - Adding Unallocated Bookings (L) [DEV-2409] - Channel Manager - Hide a note from HostelWorld about free cancellations [DEV-2410] - Channel Manager - Commission missing in reservations which enter through MyAllocator [DEV-2421] - Reports - Daily Production Report corrections [DEV-2428] - Notifications - Sometimes the system sends 2-3 notifications about the same new channel reservation [DEV-2430] - Channel Manager - HostelsClub does not load any rooms [DEV-2454] - Support button does not work [DEV-2457] - Primavera - Error while refreshing items [DEV-2460] - Lenght of Stay report - - Adding Unallocated Bookings (L) [DEV-2473] - Can't open invoices [DEV-2474] - Email Notifications - no rate info in New BE Reservation email [DEV-2490] - Invoices - leading zero in Next Number [DEV-2493] - Bug - Daily Production doesn't open [DEV-2497] - Accounts & Transactions - Cannot edit the transfer amount [DEV-2500] - Not downloaded reservation from Hostelworld [DEV-2501] - Reservation with 0 nights - on client's computer only [DEV-2510] - DEV: Channel Manager synchronization problems [DEV-2513] - Reservation - Give Change [DEV-2521] - Channel Manager problem on Stage - no updates, bookings don't appear in the system [DEV-2527] - Stage - can't open Channel Manager [DEV-2528] - CM - Rate updates from A&R Calendar [DEV-2530] - AGODA - changes in Price Manager not updated for all rates [DEV-2532] - Primavera - in some invoices the system generated wrong % despite the correct configuration [DEV-2533] - Libre DTE - ERROR while taking payment [DEV-2537] - AGODA - only one rate updated while sending availability or restrictions updates [DEV-2538] - AGODA - Maximum Stay restriction not updated [DEV-2539] - Reservation - Sometimes can't edit reservation price using Edit Price button [DEV-2540] - AGODA - restrictions updates (CTA and CTD) [DEV-2543] - OPT - Usuwanie rezerwacji [DEV-2545] - OPT - Po zapisie transakcji metoda - CreateByTransactionId [DEV-2554] - Booking Engine - Can't manage booking though Manage Your Booking link [DEV-2556] - Invoice Settings - property country, email, phone and www key does not work [DEV-2567] - Moving Beds Around Improvement [DEV-2574] - Users - Can't edit users or roles on stage [DEV-2576] - Booking Engine widget calendar doesn't work on the website [DEV-2581] - Reservation - when change the rate in the reservation and click on the room type total price, it changes as it was manually edited [DEV-2585] - Account Balance Report - to long loading [DEV-2589] - A&R Calendar - price changes bug [DEV-2593] - Error login users after log into the system [DEV-2595] - Fact - Taking payment problem [DEV-2597] - Staff Management - Can't open Edit Staff Members window [DEV-2599] - STAGE Channel Manager - no downloaded cancellation [DEV-2605] - Channel Manager - channel manager doesn´t load and the bookings sometimes are not downloaded [DEV-2609] - Primavera - Error while taking payment [DEV-2610] - Restrictions - When put the min. stay restriction manually in the calendar an try to save the system keeps loading [DEV-2611] - Reports - wrong total accommodation in Booking Channel Summary [DEV-2614] - Fact - not able to generate invoice for company details [DEV-2620] - Derived rates - the derived rate price changes after each click on the parent rate price [DEV-2621] - Despegar - incorrect global update [DEV-2626] - Channel Manager - system doesn't send updates to HostelWorld for 6 Bed Private Room [DEV-2629] - Channel Manager - Expedia bookings stucked in Problematic Bookings with an error [DEV-2633] - New Channel Manager - HostelWorld booking didn't appear in the system [DEV-2636] - Reports - Pick up report and Cancellation report don't load correctly per month/year results [DEV-2644] - Hostelworld cancellation didn't appear in the system [DEV-2650] - Sale taxes - not possible to change tax value [DEV-2657] - Channel Manager - reservations enter through the channel manager with commission collected by channel [DEV-2658] - Channel Manager: Show future bookings does not work [DEV-2662] - Modification from makes the reservaton unallocated [DEV-2674] - REPORT - RT Stats wrong values [DEV-2683] - Not able to login to OG [DEV-2696] - Fact link displayed to everybody ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.27 2018-01-04 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1098] - Dodać ID do requestów w MyAllocator [DEV-1513] - Coupons in booking - Dropdown list [DEV-1642] - New key for email [Accommodation] [DEV-1928] - UI Gniot [DEV-1962] - Hide default categories for Widthrawal and Deposit option [DEV-2001] - New Key {GuestNumber} [DEV-2003] - Alphabetical order for all lists [DEV-2123] - Google Analytics dla BE [DEV-2147] - Follow Up - Domyślnie posortowane [DEV-2162] - Reservation - Automatically set the same nationality for all guests when the booking is made [DEV-2343] - Reservation - Adding Invoice Details [DEV-2363] - UI - Take Payment & Invoice Update [DEV-2365] - Default Take Payment [DEV-2392] - Invoices - Invoice Proforma [DEV-2393] - City Tax - Barcelona [DEV-2406] - BE - Text correction [DEV-2414] - BE - Show photos p1 [DEV-2415] - Free Item [DEV-2416] - BE - Hide buttons [DEV-2418] - BE - Test [DEV-2419] - OG - Text [DEV-2420] - BE - Dodaj zdjęcie per item and room p.1 [DEV-2423] - Allow assigning deposits to specific rooms. [DEV-2425] - Deposits with ID only [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1817] - House icon in multi rooms reservations [DEV-1838] - $ in Quick Booking [DEV-1937] - FOLLOW UP - City Tax report [DEV-1982] - Can't load Sale Item Report [DEV-1983] - Changing date in reservation [DEV-1998] - Strategies on Bed View [DEV-2079] - Sale Item Manager: inactive products still appear in POS [DEV-2115] - Nieprawidłow działające formatka [DEV-2160] - POS - sale information not updated correctly in Sale Item report [DEV-2171] - Booking Engine - hide Look and Feel [DEV-2184] - Deposit list - strange amount in EUR [DEV-2195] - UI - Klucz [DEV-2293] - Reservation - Receptionists can't edit theis own transactions from the reservation window despite the active permission [DEV-2296] - Shift Switch - starting balance while opening shift [DEV-2303] - New Take Payment window - Select all option not intiutive and can´t unselect all [DEV-2307] - Factura Electrónica - sometimes error appears while taking payment [DEV-2333] - Rates - Derived rate does not show on Booking Engine [DEV-2361] - Can't give refund after taking payment with Boleta / Factura Electrónica [DEV-2375] - Database - Merge TaxNumber for integrations [DEV-2394] - Reservation - Different number of nights in a reservation depending on the time zone [DEV-2413] - BE - Hide sale item date ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.27A 2017-12-12 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [BUG FIXES] [DEV-2166] - Notifications: incorrect dates [DEV-2337] - Wrong balance and total after changing status to cancelled [DEV-2341] - Cancellation notification email bug [DEV-2359] - Default Take Payment window setting not visible for regular users ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.26 2017-12-06 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1414] - Transactions Filter in Accounts and Transactions [DEV-2067] - UI - Accounts & Transactions Improvements [DEV-2146] - New Shift Switch 2 - Report [DEV-2240] - AirBnB Poprawki [DEV-2251] - Invoices - Invoice date changes [DEV-2252] - Reservation - Entering prices per month in reservation [DEV-2253] - Invoice - Showing the prices on the invoice in a monthly breakdown [DEV-2259] - VAT./IVA Settings [DEV-2271] - Bug - Unnecessary information about removing coupons when editing prices [DEV-2283] - Fact - Consumidor Final [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1625] - Hungarian Invoice problem [DEV-1775] - Quick booking ingonres requested fields [DEV-2046] - Chat - duplicates guest messages and blocks other windows [DEV-2118] - Linked Rates: System does not update name changes for chiled rates [DEV-2174] - Invoices - incorrect total and balance due [DEV-2182] - Incorrect balance due on moving reservation to another room type [DEV-2183] - Currency - the system does not apply the exchange rate adjustment option [DEV-2186] - Take Payment - Change in different currency leaves incorrect balance [DEV-2198] - Guest List Report [DEV-2212] - System stops responding after put few reservations [DEV-2216] - Reservation - group name changes not saved [DEV-2218] - AR Calendar - close room refreshing problem [DEV-2227] - Shift Switch - The system cancels all inventory information which was put after putting a wrong password [DEV-2233] - City Tax for Belgrade - corrections [DEV-2237] - Nie działające klucze [DEV-2239] - Can't create New Property [DEV-2244] - Housekeeping Bugs [DEV-2246] - UI Issues - no buttons in lower resolutions [DEV-2247] - Can't open Email and Printout Manager [DEV-2260] - FACT - price and type error [DEV-2261] - BedView - After click unallocate option the booking stays on beds until reopen the BedView [DEV-2265] - Currency code in exported file from Reservation View [DEV-2267] - BedView - Future inactive room type appears on BedView until the deactivation date comes [DEV-2268] - A&R Calendar - Error while saving min. stay for more than one room at the same time [DEV-2274] - Shift Switch - can't see all accounts and currencies [DEV-2277] - Booking Engine - Inactive room types visible on Booking Engine [DEV-2280] - Reservation View - Nationality missing in Reservation View [DEV-2281] - Email - Sending emails doesn't work - Error [DEV-2295] - Incorrect availability - system does not see a reservation [DEV-2321] - STAGE Bed View - not loading information [DEV-2326] - Take Payment - Can't take payment [DEV-2329] - Invoices - Strange balance on the invoice after taking payment (prod, stage, dev) [DEV-2338] - Rates - When transform a normal rate to be linked the prices of the parent rate (even manual in the calendar) change according to the adjustment ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.25 2017-11-14 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1106] - Housekeeping Module [DEV-1527] - Real-time in Total Payments Outstanding [DEV-1537] - TripAdvisor Certyfikacja/Optymalizacja [DEV-1623] - Add AirBnB [DEV-1994] - Shift Switch Settings [DEV-2078] - AirBnB Settings [DEV-2107] - UI - New Shift Switch Window [DEV-2145] - New Shift Switch Report [DEV-2196] - New Report - Daily Production Doesn't work! [BUG FIXES] [DEV-471] - UI Raportów [DEV-801] - Nr fvat [DEV-1845] - Bulk Update - can't change restrictions for linked rates [DEV-2029] - Production Matrix - correction [DEV-2046] - Chat - duplicates guest messages and blocks other windows [DEV-2114] - Zbieranie cen Agoda [DEV-2135] - Costa Rica Time Zone problem [DEV-2144] - UI Rykoszet - Quick [DEV-2152] - Problem with editing reservations by receptionists [DEV-2153] - Reservation - Not possible to check-in from right-click menu [DEV-2154] - Daily Prodction Report does not load for some dates [DEV-2164] - Emails and Printouts - {Currency} key doesn't work [DEV-2178] - Unblocking Beds Bug [DEV-2185] - Fact - error while sellinig something from POS [DEV-2189] - Currency code visible while dragging booking from Unallocated section to beds [DEV-2191] - Reservation/Poit of Sale - items charged in wrong currency [DEV-2197] - Channel Manager - global does not update all restrictions [DEV-2202] - system przesuwa się w chrome [DEV-2203] - Reservation - Error while opening CC details window [DEV-2215] - Channel Manager - System doesn't update availability after reservation from Booking Engine enters ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.24 2017-10-30 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1896] - Umieszczenie okna pomocy na UI [DEV-1967] - Accept payment above Balance Due & Calculate Change [DEV-2108] - HW UPDATE [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1733] - Old Bulk Update problem [DEV-1823] - Multiple overbooking/unallocated notifications [DEV-1985] - CM - Booking credit card details didn't update [DEV-2085] - Can't save reservation with Jakob Henschtel [DEV-2112] - Wrong Room Type [DEV-2120] - Not possible to add booking DEV [DEV-2121] - Multiple Email Notifications [DEV-2128] - CM - Wrongly Processed Modification [DEV-2134] - Booking Engine - Not working BE Hostel Connect [DEV-2136] - Fact - PDF is not generated (stange and production) [DEV-2138] - City tax - wrongly applied for Spain cities [DEV-2139] - Currency code in reservation tooltip [DEV-2143] - UI - Screen Resolution (nad tym jeszcze pracuję) [DEV-2149] - Country code insted of country name in reservation view [DEV-2158] - Channel Manager - Global updates 365 days ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.23 2017-10-23 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1451] - Booking engine - Show rate description on the engine [DEV-1537] - TripAdvisor Certyfikacja/Optymalizacja [DEV-1799] - New Report - Daily Production [DEV-1896] - Umieszczenie okna pomocy na UI [DEV-1914] - SIRE report changes [DEV-1961] - City Tax for Catalunya [DEV-1970] - Changes in the city tax conditions for Ischia, Italy [DEV-1986] - Integration with Fact (Like Primavera) v.1.0 [DEV-1987] - Fact 2.0 [DEV-2021] - Primavera - PDF POS [DEV-2024] - Book Local Tab [DEV-2059] - Right-click z okna Total Outstanding [DEV-2086] - Zmienić kolor [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1475] - Reservation View: Sorting by Arrival Time [DEV-1556] - Invoices: Date filter problem in All Issued Invoices [DEV-1856] - Reservation - Nights cancelled after check out [DEV-1857] - Deposit list problem [DEV-1869] - Notifications - Notifications form other properties [DEV-1887] - Inventory Manager - Inventory count not correct [DEV-1900] - [BeforeDeploy] PriceMatrix / Rates - Linked rates [DEV-1924] - Dashboard - outstanding bookings problem [DEV-1957] - Wrong Balance on Invoice [DEV-1969] - Search bar stopped working [DEV-1975] - Sometimes can't adjust the inventory count [DEV-1988] - City Tax and old bookings [DEV-1989] - BE - Zmiana tumaczenia [DEV-1995] - Otwieranie Av & Rate Calendar przez 35 sekund! [DEV-1996] - Update cen Expedia [DEV-1997] - Dashboard: Total Outstanding sortowanie rezerwacji [DEV-2000] - Email - 2 days before arrival date [DEV-2007] - Deleted emails [DEV-2009] - ChannelManager - Global Update, Availability and Occupancy Prices in CM [DEV-2018] - Season manager and prices problem [DEV-2019] - Mossos report to correct [DEV-2020] - ChannelManager - Sending availability problem [DEV-2025] - RT Availability dates [DEV-2026] - System menu diappears after moving windows around [DEV-2043] - Wrong prices in Create Resrevation [DEV-2047] - System doesn't update availability - Despegar [DEV-2070] - CM: booking didn't enter into the system [DEV-2075] - Can't set up strategy for Child Rate [DEV-2083] - Brak rezerwacji w FDM [DEV-2084] - Get Future Bookings not working [DEV-2087] - DEV: Bulk Update and child rates problem [DEV-2090] - overbooking - No availability update [DEV-2103] - CRITICAL - Time zone in Brasil & Bookings [DEV-2105] - [Before Deploy] Occupancy Report dates problem (STAGE) ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.22 2017-09-19 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-42] - Tooltip lista pokoi [DEV-826] - Zmiana Rate [DEV-1023] - Booking engine - fields customization [DEV-1385] - Reports - Colombia SIRE Report (DAT file) [DEV-1767] - Primavera Improvements [DEV-1779] - New Report -- Production Matrix [DEV-1784] - Booking Channel Commission Report - new filter [DEV-1801] - New Restriction - Cut Off [DEV-1866] - UI Gniot [DEV-1913] - New City for Australia [DEV-1923] - Room Colors [DEV-1927] - UI - Hide [DEV-1934] - Production Matrix Report [DEV-1938] - FOLLOW UP - Reservation Settings - Default View [DEV-1941] - Disable opening contacts in Guest View [DEV-1944] - BedView Colors [DEV-1945] - New Room Type Table Key for Emails [DEV-1946] - Hide inactive reports [DEV-1963] - Add CLOSE button [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1582] - Reservation lists - improvements [DEV-1626] - Sale Item Report filters [DEV-1636] - Search guest problem [DEV-1772] - Reservation - Can't assgin booking to bed [DEV-1813] - Reservation - Can't split booking after cancelling nights and moving guests to other beds [DEV-1831] - BookingEngine / PriceMatrix - auto converted prices problem [DEV-1855] - BookingEngine Reservation - Check out date problem in BE reservation [DEV-1859] - Returning BE extras problem [DEV-1860] - BookingEngine - Easy Mode availability problem [DEV-1868] - Reservation Notes - time zone problem [DEV-1872] - PriceMatrix - Strange occupancy price change - dev [DEV-1875] - New City in Chile - Curicó [DEV-1879] - Reservation - changing price and tab problem [DEV-1880] - Reservation - new bookng window loading error [DEV-1882] - Price matrix refreshing problem after blocking beds [DEV-1883] - Reports - Not Pick Up report problem [DEV-1884] - Reports - Reservation In House report problem [DEV-1885] - Reservation - Can't change status from reservation from [DEV-1894] - Quick Booking and Private 5+ rooms problem [DEV-1898] - Sale Item report - scroll problem [DEV-1899] - PriceMatrix - Season prices problem - DEV [DEV-1903] - New Take Payment second currency POS problem [DEV-1907] - ChannelManager - System doesn't update availability to [DEV-1909] - Przeliczanie depozytów na inne waluty [DEV-1910] - Błąd przeliczania cen w POS [DEV-1917] - Notifications: cancelled reservation from BE [DEV-1919] - ChannelManager - Sending availability problem (serious but difficult to reproduce) [DEV-1920] - Production matrix report - dates problem [DEV-1922] - Invoices - wrong Balance Due [DEV-1925] - Auto block problem [DEV-1930] - Klucz nie chwyta [DEV-1932] - UI - Improvement [DEV-1935] - UI GNIOT [DEV-1940] - UI GNIOT [DEV-1943] - Belgrad city tax problem [DEV-1951] - Check-In / Out lists & Reservation Status [DEV-1952] - NEWS Nie działa [DEV-1953] - CM - Wrong room type updated [DEV-1959] - Edited price/city tax and Take Payment issue - DEV [DEV-1966] - UI quick [DEV-1972] - ScheduledEmails - optimization and enhancements [DEV-1979] - USer Management [DEV-1980] - Strategy problem [DEV-1981] - CM - per occupancy option problem ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.21 2017-08-22 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-385] - Google Analitics for BE [DEV-503] - Price per occupancy [DEV-831] - Min Stay EASY [DEV-1187] - - Add Ons [DEV-1385] - Reports - Colombia SIRE Report (DAT file) [DEV-1395] - Rate Linking [DEV-1482] - Polish Font on Booking Engine [DEV-1548] - Manual availability and block beds [DEV-1562] - City Tax dla Gdańska [DEV-1602] - User management - UI improvements [DEV-1639] - Private expense [DEV-1654] - Zmień tłumaczenie [DEV-1666] - City Tax report [DEV-1679] - City Tax dla Dink's Place [DEV-1721] - New Invoice Table Improvement [DEV-1737] - New key in email template [DEV-1739] - Edit tax in reservation window [DEV-1761] - Nowa property jako delete [DEV-1767] - Primavera Improvements [DEV-1770] - Description in Take Payment / Give Refund Window [DEV-1779] - New Report -- Production Matrix [DEV-1792] - UI Correction [DEV-1801] - New Restriction - Cut Off [DEV-1802] - POS exchanging price [DEV-1826] - New city - Nueva Imperial [DEV-1861] - ChannelManager - Locked a powtórka wysyłki dostęponości [DEV-1876] - BE Widget [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1] - CHAT - Ulepszenia [DEV-1193] - Zła cena w rezerwacji przy cenach przeliczanych automatycznie [DEV-1259] - Dodanie zdjęć do wersji wielohostelowej [DEV-1363] - Deposits - can´t take document deposit [DEV-1424] - Property Setting view problem [DEV-1428] - Reports - occupancy report and room type metrics discrepancy [DEV-1505] - Searching booking problem [DEV-1546] - Canceling guest from reservation window [DEV-1585] - Reservation: manual price changes in overview - price and price due problem [DEV-1604] - Account Balance Report problem [DEV-1609] - Search guest in reservation form [DEV-1617] - No data in Lenght of Stay report [DEV-1637] - DEV - podgląd rezerwacji [DEV-1673] - Tasa Turistica for Tot Lleure [DEV-1674] - What's New - Don't Show Again [DEV-1677] - Bed View - tooltip issue [DEV-1693] - Reports: Can't generate Sale Item Report for december [DEV-1696] - Can´t open Time Clock [DEV-1702] - Emails: Sending 1 day before email problem for specific rooms [DEV-1708] - System freezing - Availability and Rate Calendar [DEV-1718] - CM: Close Rate problem [DEV-1723] - DEV - Leuven [DEV-1726] - Booking Engine extra services - email confirmation & notification [DEV-1738] - Wrong prices in Create Resrevation [DEV-1751] - Price - auto converting problem [DEV-1764] - Can't shift switch [DEV-1765] - Strategies - Applying multiple strategies [DEV-1769] - Strange shift transactions without any information [DEV-1778] - Reservation with balance 0 in Total Outstanding [DEV-1795] - Commission not converted in hw reservations [DEV-1796] - Can't use other currencies in new Take Payment [DEV-1807] - Can't open cc details - error [DEV-1812] - Not converted sale problem [DEV-1814] - Reservation - crash form [DEV-1815] - Reservation - edit price not reacting [DEV-1818] - PriceMatrix - crash form [DEV-1819] - Reservation: Can't edit commission [DEV-1820] - Invoices: {PaymentMethod} key problem [DEV-1824] - Accommodation details in invoice problem [DEV-1829] - Wrong prices on Booking Engine [DEV-1832] - BE: No room details while booking [DEV-1835] - ChannelManager - Incorrect prices sent to [DEV-1837] - Reservation - Number of nights problem [DEV-1838] - $ in Quick Booking [DEV-1843] - Error in Console while loading the FDM page [DEV-1852] - Accounts and Transactions - Can't generate pdf [DEV-1853] - Emails - 1 day After not sent [DEV-1854] - Reservation - Transaction problem [DEV-1862] - Unallocate bed problem [DEV-1863] - Desktop - Support button does not work [DEV-1870] - Primavera take payment error [DEV-1873] - Reservation - Serbia tax problem [DEV-1901] - Reservation: number of nights ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.20A 2017-08-10 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-42] - Tooltip lista pokoi [DEV-50] - Occupancy Report [DEV-1436] - New key for invoices - Property Number [DEV-1472] - Invoice adjustment for Hostel Connect Samui [DEV-1627] - Reservation Settings - Default View [DEV-1651] - Expedia - Rate A / Rate [DEV-1686] - Zmiany w Global [DEV-1746] - New city - Poltava (SQL Prod) [DEV-1788] - Invoice - Allow entering negative values [DEV-1809] - Second Despegar plugin for Santiago Backpackers [BUG FIXES] [DEV-874] - brak godziny i usera przy zablokowanych łóżkach [DEV-1101] - Zła data w notyfikacji [DEV-1260] - Can't take deposit after save resrevation [DEV-1386] - Permissions: Edit Prices button not visible despite the permission [DEV-1444] - (Upierdliwe-pilne) Manual Availability goes up when it shouldn't [DEV-1522] - Delete season issue [DEV-1526] - Loading Total Payment Outstanding in Dashboard [DEV-1543] - Problem with changing rates [DEV-1544] - Permissions: Access to Bed View [DEV-1555] - Reports: Total booking revenue in Booking Channel Summary problem [DEV-1560] - Reservation: Manually put DOB and check in status problem [DEV-1582] - Reservation lists - improvements [DEV-1589] - Timeout while assigning rooms [DEV-1592] - User Management [DEV-1672] - Booking Channel Summary - Total Bookings Summary [DEV-1680] - Bed View - wrong currency in move reservation window [DEV-1697] - Guest In-House on Dashboard [DEV-1698] - Split a Balance Due [DEV-1706] - New country - Kosovo [DEV-1714] - Problem while putting manual prices in the Calendar [DEV-1729] - Wrong multiple emails sent to guests [DEV-1731] - HIde Bookers problem in Guest Police Report [DEV-1732] - Can't open booking [DEV-1734] - Edit transaction bug [DEV-1735] - Transaccion saved without account [DEV-1740] - Balance due issue [DEV-1741] - Wrong dates in notifications [DEV-1742] - Transaction currency issue [DEV-1743] - Strange price [DEV-1752] - Blacklisted guest in manually created reservation [DEV-1763] - Bulk Update - Removing Min Stay [DEV-1766] - Take Payment Bug [DEV-1774] - CC Details Error [DEV-1777] - Error while updating prices in A&R Calendar [DEV-1790] - Booking Channel Summary problem [DEV-1791] - Booking Channel Commission report problem [DEV-1804] - New Bulk Update problem [DEV-1805] - Not processed modification [DEV-1810] - Problem with editing reservations by receptionists [DEV-1816] - Reservation - missing ReservationDetails [DEV-1821] - Wrong time zone in Inventory Manager [DEV-1822] - Bed Note blocks room in Allocate to Bed [DEV-1828] - TAB does not work in A&R Calendar - dev [DEV-1834] - Move reservation problem [DEV-1840] - A&R Calendar - Error after changing prices [DEV-1848] - Reservation - Can't cancel nights from BedView ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.19 2017-07-05 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-1092] - Date format in reservation note [DEV-1701] - Last Login [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1351] - Reservation - New Take Payment & Invoice UI [DEV-1575] - Availability: system doesn't see free beds [DEV-1618] - No city tax added in BE reservations [DEV-1624] - Allocate reservation problem [DEV-1644] - Can't export deposit list [DEV-1660] - Belgrad City tax problem [DEV-1675] - System freezing - Sale Item [DEV-1682] - System freezing - Create Invoice [DEV-1684] - CM: Despegar - sending prices for private rooms problem [DEV-1685] - SEF problem [DEV-1689] - Despegar pluigin for De Blasis [DEV-1690] - Unallocate booking and overbooking notification [DEV-1692] - Reservation: can´t open CC details - error [DEV-1694] - A&T list problem [DEV-1695] - CM: Booking didn't enter - Input strin in incorrect format ================================================================================================================================================================= 2.0.18 2017-06-28 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-42] - Tooltip lista pokoi [DEV-50] - Occupancy Report [DEV-1177] - BookLocal gniot [DEV-1441] - Hide_Bookers checkbox [DEV-1458] - Nowe pole w Guest List Report [DEV-1470] - PRICE DUE [DEV-1533] - BL - Waluta [DEV-1535] - BL - Seals [DEV-1536] - API [DEV-1547] - MA modification [DEV-1557] - BL - Sparametryzowany link [DEV-1629] - BookLocal Window Name [DEV-1631] - Room Type Change on BedView generates unnecessary pop up [DEV-1658] - New Invoice Tabele [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1250] - Account Balance Report problem [DEV-1351] - Reservation - New Take Payment & Invoice UI [DEV-1401] - System crashing [DEV-1428] - Reports - occupancy report and room type metrics discrepancy [DEV-1431] - Dashboard - Wrong # Arrivals [DEV-1474] - Reservation: Wrong price after modification from [DEV-1485] - Brak dat w fakturach [DEV-1506] - Can´t sell item to Leaving guest [DEV-1510] - Reservation: modification didn't change the price correctly [DEV-1530] - 1. Reservation: overlapped bookings [DEV-1545] - CM: Despegar - dorm prices update problem [DEV-1549] - The system does not see splitted reservations [DEV-1551] - CM: Incorrect price for private room [DEV-1553] - What's New Bugs [DEV-1558] - Can't generate pdf in Accounts and Transactions [DEV-1559] - AVR: Disappearing restriction boxes [DEV-1561] - 1. Reservation: Problem with changing prices per night in Overview [DEV-1564] - Disappeared plugin [DEV-1570] - Reservarion: can't create booking [DEV-1571] - 1. Reservation: missing room types in Add Room Type option [DEV-1573] - Hidden accounts amount visible for receptionists [DEV-1577] - Changing room type problem [DEV-1578] - Commission in BE reservation [DEV-1581] - Blocked Bed - User name [DEV-1583] - Reservation Lists - improvements [DEV-1587] - Inactive room type available in Room Changes pop up [DEV-1590] - Reports: can´t load shift audit report [DEV-1591] - Split and Booking Method [DEV-1594] - ChannelManager - Wrong number of guests in HC reservation [DEV-1599] - Limit notyfikacji na usera [DEV-1605] - Can't see added nights on Bed View [DEV-1606] - Total due differences [DEV-1608] - Wrong dates in email notifications [DEV-1611] - POS - surcharge issue [DEV-1621] - Not assigned reservation [DEV-1628] - Can´t find checked in guests in POS [DEV-1630] - CM: Expledia tax and 100% collect problem [DEV-1632] - BE: booking an unchecked room type [DEV-1633] - A&T: Transfer problem [DEV-1634] - A&T: Transaction currency problem [DEV-1641] - City tax Bratislava problem [DEV-1645] - Removing Coupon [DEV-1647] - Spanish invoice table [DEV-1648] - CM: System does not send min. stay restriction to Expedia [DEV-1649] - CM: System does not sent Global for Expedia (specific ID) [DEV-1652] - ZNIKAJĄCA REZERWACJA [DEV-1653] - BedView: dragging booking to occupied bed (CRITICAL NA DEV) [DEV-1655] - BE charging wrong commission!!!!! [DEV-1656] - BedView: moving a booking to inactive room [DEV-1662] - Encrypted CC details [DEV-1665] - ChannelManager - No prices sent to [DEV-1667] - [BeforeDeply] Can't export invoices to Excel [DEV-1668] - [BeforeDeploy] Dashboard: occupancy and revenue widget don't load 2.0.17 2017-05-31 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] [DEV-507] - PAYMENT - [DEV-989] - Correct Room Type Details Key in the email [DEV-1090] - Factura de exportacion - improvements [DEV-1113] - BedView pop up Allocate to other room types [DEV-1156] - Search for guest in the booking [DEV-1203] - City Tax dla Fair and Square hostel [DEV-1301] - City tax (seguro hotelero) - Hostal Finca Cardonales [DEV-1346] - Reports - Add columns to Guest List / Police Report [DEV-1402] - City Tax for Lisbon [DEV-1461] - City Tax dla Paradise Beach Hostel [DEV-1476] - EXPEDIA COLLECT [DEV-1477] - TRIPADVISOR - wykończenie/uruchomienie [DEV-853] - Check-out with balance notification [DEV-1350] - BedView - Block Bed icon [BUG FIXES] [DEV-1391] - Strange blacklisted guest [DEV-1415] - Deposit required for check-in [DEV-1432] - UI - Quick Change [DEV-1433] - Dashboard - Dates in tooltip [DEV-1435] - Can't save and print invoice [DEV-1438] - Notifications form other properties [DEV-1468] - Booking Channel Summary - Print button doesn't work [DEV-1479] - Emails send after res. confirmed/check in and cancelled nights problem [DEV-1480] - Reservation: Returning the same item many times [DEV-1484] - Minimum Stay update problem [DEV-1486] - Nationalities issue in SEF report [DEV-1489] - Incorrectly sent prices [DEV-1490] - Long invoice loading - Issued Invoices [DEV-1496] - Factura Electrónica - Can't refund money [DEV-1498] - Accounts and Transactions - Can't open booking [DEV-1499] - Booking Transaction not visible in Accounts and Transactions [DEV-1500] - Role Problem [DEV-1501] - Missing Reservation Details notification problem [DEV-1502] - Can't edit issued invoices [DEV-1504] - Reservation - Commission dissapearing after No Show [DEV-1511] - Reservation: can't set up commission correctly - DEV [DEV-1516] - BedView: can't block one bunk bed [DEV-1518] - Reservation: Refund and second currency issue [DEV-1520] - Can't block one place in double bed [DEV-1523] - Reservation: extending booking on BedView problem - DEV [DEV-1525] - Reservation: changing dates and history problem [DEV-1531] - CM: Modifcations didn't appear on the server [DEV-1539] - CM: Can't send global [DEV-1542] - ChannelManager - New Despegar plugin for Casa Forestal 2.0.16 2017-05-17 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-588] PDF - Print reports - v.1.0 - [DEV-866] Block / Unblock Pop Up - [DEV-1137] Deposit List - [DEV-1203] City Tax dla Fair and Square hostel - [DEV-1287] New columns in invoices - paid to date and balance - [DEV-1294] City Tax for Dream Hostel Bratislava - [DEV-1321] BookLocal - [DEV-1328] Reports - Portugal SEF Report (DAT file) - [DEV-1390] CSS - BookLocal - [DEV-1426] BE - Add Dutch language [BUG FIXES] - [DEV-844] Adding nights to reservation when running strategies - [DEV-1004] Missing data in Item Manager - [DEV-1010] Reservation - Add room type - availability problem - [DEV-1086[ Block / Unblock beds problem with double bunk beds - [DEV-1090] Factura de exportacion - improvements - [DEV-1121] Reservation - missing TOT tax - [DEV-1166] Reports - Count removed rooms - [DEV-1168] Reservation - wrong balance due - [DEV-1172] Notification Text - New, modified Bookings - [DEV-1174] ChannelManager - cc details not updated after modyfication - [DEV-1192] Reservation - Wrong price after currency change - [DEV-1197] Reservation - Incorrect Reservation Notes - [DEV-1200] Notifications - Can't open reservation - [DEV-1228] Expedia and strategies - [DEV-1233] Shift Report - Shift Audit and Modified transactions problem - [DEV-1251] Check in and required fields problem - [DEV-1295] Wrong price in private room after cancel night - [DEV-1309] Shift Switch - problem with closing shift - [DEV-1310] Move to Double room - price problem - [DEV-1311] Reservation - wrong rounding after edit price - [DEV-1313] Reservation - Wrong total and balance due - [DEV-1317] Show shift's opener name or deleted user info - [DEV-1319] ChannelManager - Expedia rate problem - [DEV-1322] Different Total in Overview and in Payments - [DEV-1329] Edit prices and change rate issue - [DEV-1333] Balance due not correct in reservation via BookLocal - [DEV-1342] Reservation note - can't add new note - [DEV-1343] BedView - Incorrectly adjusted price after moving reservation - [DEV-1344] Reservation - Can't return deposit in split reservation - [DEV-1348] Emails - No RT in {RoomDetailsTableShort} key - [DEV-1349] Pass userId as method parameter to NotificationHelper - [DEV-1365] Accounts and Transactions window - can't set up hours - [DEV-1368] Reservation - Commission and Save problem - [DEV-1369] POS search guest issue - [DEV-1373] CC details not updated in FDM - [DEV-1377] Wrong availability in calendar - [DEV-1378] Reservation - Permission allow adjust balance doesn't work - [DEV-1380] BE Reservation - Commission not included in total due - [DEV-1381] Auto email - system sends an email when it sould not - [DEV-1383] Invoice - city tax visible when it should not be - [DEV-1398] New Bulk Update - Close Room doesn´t work - [DEV-1400] Reservation - To refund when it shounldn't be - [DEV-1404] Bed not available in Add Room Type - [DEV-1405] Can't open reservation - [DEV-1409] Invoice - PaymentMethod key problem - [DEV-1410] HostelsClub request problem - [DEV-1416] Invoice - Hungarian Invoice problem - [DEV-1420] Invoices - GuestIdNumber key problem - [DEV-1429] POS - surcharge problem - [DEV-1442] Expedia Reservation - wrong per night prices - [DEV-1443] Modification didn´t appear in the system + Mails - [DEV-1449] Lucky Ds - Wrong TOT tax - [DEV-1463] Reservation - Error after change status to No-Show - [DEV-1464] Wrong price in reservation after modification from ChannelManager - [DEV-1465] Reservation - restore cancelled reservation when beds are occupied - [DEV-1471] PriceMatrix - Wrong price for two guests - [DEV-1491] PriceMatrix - Close Room problem 2.0.15 2017-04-12 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-1140] Local Tax - Property Settings - [DEV-1277] Edit Window Info - [DEV-1136] NEWS - read/unread [BUG FIXES] - [DEV-823] Information to bank transfer - [DEV-1093] Commission incorrectly divided - [DEV-1139] Reservation UI - [DEV-1169] Res Note Order - [DEV-1179] BookingEngine Account - cancelled reservation - [DEV-1182] Guest Details Tab Improvments - [DEV-1185] Res View UI 1024x767 - [DEV-1201] German & Polish language BE - [DEV-1224] BedView - cancelled all nights in reservation - [DEV-1237] Moving reservation on BedView problem - [DEV-1242] Cancelled nights in confirmation email - [DEV-1244] CM - Plugins with missing rates - [DEV-1263] Shift Switch Data - [DEV-1269] Can not create a new property + Commission check assigned nights are null - [DEV-1270] Multiple email problem - [DEV-1272] Hide License Payment - [DEV-1275] Can't move reservation - [DEV-1276] Disappearing BookLocal icon - [DEV-1278] Empty cash box after migration - [DEV-1279] Can't change RT in the reservation window - [DEV-1284] Tax in LuckyD - [DEV-1285] Take payment error - Factura Electronica - [DEV-1286] Invoices - new key - GuestIdNumber - [DEV-1288] Occupancy in Room Type Statistics - [DEV-1289] Expedia - trim hostelId - [DEV-1290] Can't open BedView - [DEV-1293] Changing booking dates problem - [DEV-1297] Problem with Expedia - duplicate updates in the same message - [DEV-1298] Not receiving MA bookings - [DEV-1299] Can't cancel nights form reservation form - [DEV-1300] Coupons doesn't add to new nights - [DEV-1309] Shift Switch - problem with closing shift - [DEV-1312] Can't change guest - [DEV-1324] Reservation note problem - can't add new note - [DEV-1325] Expedia - system doesn't send strategy price - [DEV-1329] Edit prices and change rate issue… - [DEV-1330] Move reservation with manual change price - [DEV-1333] Balance due not correct in reservation via BookLocal - [DEV-1342] Reservation note - can't add new note - [DEV-1343] BedView - Incorrectly adjusted price after moving - [DEV-1344] Reservation - Can't return deposit in split reservation 2.0.14 2017-03-22 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-1143] BookLocal Auto-Email - [DEV-823] Information to bank transfer - [DEV-1135] Show News Button - [DEV-1136] NEWS- read/unread - [DEV-1056] Reservation View - New columns - [DEV-1158] Search for availability in the group - [DEV-1060] Optimilization: Schedulers, DbContext, Currencies, Languages, Properties, Translates, SignalR - try load again lib and start - [DEV-1140] Local Tax- Property Settings - [DEV-1181] Accommodation Tab - [DEV-1190] Country column in reservation view - Removed reservation nights limit [BUG FIXES] - [DEV-567] Quick UI - Reports Rounding price - [DEV-814] Rate UI - [DEV-631] QUICK UI - Reservation Take Payment - [DEV-853] Check-out with balance notification - [DEV-903] City Tax - disable tax setting - [DEV-928] Reservation Notes - [DEV-941] Room Type Change on BedView - [DEV-997] Reservation with wrong number of rooms - [DEV-1057] Extending reservation - pricing problem - [DEV-1063] Problem with adjusting prices - [DEV-1075] Wrong total and balance due in emails - [DEV-1100] Unallocated cancelled nights vs balance due problem - [DEV-1102] Expedia QuickConnect - change base url - [DEV-1112] Allocate to other room type problem - [DEV-1117] GlobalAvailability - sends the wrong converted currency - [DEV-1119] Inventory manager count problem - [DEV-1124] Shift Switch - CC account problem - [DEV-1141] Invoice problem - strange balance - [DEV-1144] Report All Private Rooms/Dorms error - [DEV-1145] Expectation Failed in Availability - Show Details - [DEV-1146] Can't open Timesheet - [DEV-1148] Can't delete phone number and nationality - [DEV-1149] Av & Rate Calender - [DEV-1153] Cancelled guest in the Guest Report - [DEV-1154] Tax report problem - [DEV-1162] UI Quick - [DEV-1163] Email edit - [DEV-1171] Notification - Reservation Price Manually Changed - [DEV-1204] Duplicated reservations in Guests and Reservations - [DEV-1213] Add guest in reservation view - [DEV-1217] Problems log in users to system - [DEV-1221] Reservation view - add roomtype button - [DEV-1222] Commission collected by channel problem - [DEV-1223] Disappearing room types - [DEV-1231] Wrong number of guests when add RoomTypes - [DEV-1252] Canceled nights in reservation view - [DEV-1253] Quick Booking - note not saved - [DEV-1255] Coupons don't work - [DEV-1256] Wrong price after change rate - [DEV-1257] Removing the nationality in reservation - [DEV-1258] Change rate moving reservations - [DEV-1261] Occupancy Report - [DEV-1264] ChannelManager - seasons prices for occupancy 2.0.13 2017-03-08 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-559] Minimum Stay Upgrade - [DEV-903] GoodMo - City tax - [DEV-961] New Booking - improvements - [DEV-969] Tax Report - [DEV-1056] Reservation View - New columns - [DEV-1068] New columns Guest List Report - [DEV-1069] New Report - National Statistics - [DEV-1088] Extended Bookings Stats - Booking Channel Summary Report Improvement [BUG FIXES] - problem - Invalid CC details - [DEV-207] Add Permission - [DEV-552] UI Change - [DEV-599] AV Calendar - Bulk Update - [DEV-803] Icon Change - [DEV-901] Get only not deleted reservations - [DEV-954] No Show take payment problem - [DEV-992] Cache exchange rates in occupancy report - [DEV-989] Correct Room Type Details Key in the email - [DEV-998] Guest List Report - [DEV-1005] Remove extra services from BE - [DEV-1012] Date format in Booking Confirmation printout set to d/m/Y - [DEV-1014] Unallocated cancelled nights vs balance due problem - [DEV-1015] Disappering logo in invoices - [DEV-1026] Auto email - Confirmed status problem - [DEV-1028] Problem with sending availability with CloseRate for new reservation - [DEV-1043] Despegar - rates map problem - [DEV-1044] Balance Due in History problem - [DEV-1046] Can't create room type - [DEV-1047] Global skip seasons - Despegar - [DEV-1048] Bed Change problem - [DEV-1053] Problematic HC booking - [DEV-1055] Table export to Excel - [DEV-1064] Redownloading reservations after split - [DEV-1066] Balance Due problem - [DEV-1070] Room Type Change Pop Up - [DEV-1071] Commission collected / not collected problem - [DEV-1077] First Night Price - New Email Key - [DEV-1079] ChannelManager - get modifications - [DEV-1082] Factura de exportación and take payment problem - [DEV-1083] Inventory Manager problem - [DEV-1095] Balance due problem - different currency in sales history - [DEV-1096] Reservation - convert prices using exchange rate - [DEV-1099] Can't open a reservation - [DEV-1100] Cancel nights vs balance in history - [DEV-1104] Can't open airbnb reservation - [DEV-1109] Extending reservation affects the prices - [DEV-1114] Run FDM when Freshdesk is offline - [DEV-1120] BedView - slow loading blockedbeds and bednightnotes - [DEV-1128] Can't open booking - [DEV-1131] Wrong price when added nights in BedView - [DEV-1132] Add guest in reservation 2.0.12 2017-02-15 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-559] Minimum Stay Upgrade - [DEV-832] Hungarian Invoice - [DEV-941] Room Type Change on BedView - [DEV-961] New Booking - improvements [BUG FIXES] - [DEV-207] Add permission - [DEV-635] SignalR in fdm started - login page - [DEV-637] Add CreateInfo to ExchangeRateRule expands - [DEV-764] SignalR vs log-in to fdm - [DEV-772] Don't create switch if another one is opened - [DEV-790] Wrong country in factura electronica - [DEV-794] TSL błąd - [DEV-973] Reservation Notes - [DEV-975] Split balance problem - dev - [DEV-976] Internal system notifications problem - [DEV-977] Can't adjust booking price - [DEV-981] Wrong number of guests after added guest - [DEV-985] Expedia prices problem - [DEV-986] Notifications without Total - [DEV-993] Balance due problem - [DEV-1001] BE - problems with modification reservation - [DEV-1006] Removing categories in POS - [DEV-1007] Bug in ShiftSwitch - change decimal precision - [DEV-1011] Can't edit reservation note - [DEV-1013] Attaching documents in reservation window 2.0.11 2017-02-02 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-731] Add Italian to BE - [DEV-803] Rooms/BedView - Icon Change - [DEV-805] BedView Date Tooltip - [DEV-865] Block / Unblock Beds (BETA) - [DEV-927] BookingEngine Settings - [DEV-938] Cut Off Policy - [DEV-939] Max Guests [BUG FIXES] - [DEV-638] BUG: AV Calendar - [DEV-846] Blacklisted Guest - [DEV-863] Wrong price in private rooms - [DEV-883] Unallocated booking - [DEV-887] Guest List Report - [DEV-897] Wrong commission in balance after edit reservation from HostelWorld - [DEV-904] Restroring reservation vs no availability / no beds - [DEV-913] PriceMatrix - save prices / update realtime - [DEV-915] Local Tax - Lucky Ds Hostel - [DEV-917] Sale item report problem - [DEV-925] Room Details Table - [DEV-926] Keys in Guest And Reservations - [DEV-936] Channel Manager modification - problem with notes - [DEV-937] TOTAL DUE problem - problem with commission - [DEV-953] Balance Due problem - added TOT to new nights - [DEV-955] Can't save quick booking - [DEV-957] Guest Number Report export to Excel problem - [DEV-959] Can't split booking - [DEV-967] Shift Switch - [DEV-971] USD validation in factura electronica - [DEV-979] BedView - temporary reservation color - [DEV-980] Sale Item Report - wrong dates in results - [DEV-982] Restore reservation from no-show / cancel - [DEV-983] Auto Email after check out - BedView - Disabled change view 2.0.10 2017-01-18 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-9] Optimization - Save Reservation - [DEV-58] Guests & Reservations UI - [DEV-757] Ribbon UI - [DEV-769] Auto-Email Additional parameters - [DEV-793] Book local - [DEV-803] Rooms - Icon Change - [DEV-804] BedView / ReservationView - Context menu icons - [DEV-805] BedView Date Tooltip - [DEV-833] BedView Prices [BUG FIXES] - [DEV-786] Currency exchange rate - [DEV-787] Not allocated booking - [DEV-788] Split Reservation - Wrong Balance - [DEV-790] Invoice Property Details - [DEV-791] Changes Invoice Chile - [DEV-792] Disappearing guest names in A&T - [DEV-795] UI clean up - [DEV-797] PriceMatrix - disappearing data - [DEV-798] Quickbooking - filtering - [DEV-799] I can't log in + disappearing user - [DEV-800] BookLocal not visible - [DEV-802] Shift Switch - [DEV-805] BedVIew Date Tooltip - [DEV-807] Create new property - [DEV-809] Changes Invoice Chile 2 - [DEV-810] Rribbon UI change - [DEV-812] Expedia - reservation with wrong price - [DEV-816] CreditCard - change remove time to 14 days - [DEV-817] Extend booking Double Bed - [DEV-836] Currency change in new reservation problem - [DEV-840] Wrong Balance Due - [DEV-842] 2 bookings in the same room - [DEV-843] Wrong Total - problem with sales and surcharge - [DEV-846] Blacklisted Guest - [DEV-847] Adding guest to booking - [DEV-848] XML - Modification fail to update CC - [DEV-850] Date update fails - [DEV-851] Support Button - [DEV-852] Shift Switch Log - [DEV-855] Reservation - Status Bug - [DEV-856] Wrong Prices - [DEV-859] LibreDTE - Error inssued invoice - round amount - [DEV-861] Adding guest to booking from BedView - [DEV-867] Occupancy Report - Quick - [DEV-872] Account Balance Report doesn't work - [DEV-879] HostelsClub - cancel reservations - [DEV-880] Two mapped rooms vs assigning to beds - [DEV-882] Split vs data in reservations - [DEV-886] Delete refund items on invoice - [DEV-888] Accounts and Transactions error - [DEV-889] Transfer problem - [DEV-890] Disappearing user and guest in payments after change date - [DEV-891] ReservationDetails - save guest data - [DEV-907] NoShow isn't work - [DEV-909] Reservation - Save and close error - [DEV-910] Reservation - multiple deposit and split problem - [DEV-912] SeasonManager - Edit Season List error - [DEV-913] PriceMatrix - save price after restore prices - [DEV-914] RoomManager bug 2.0.9 2016-12-15 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-757] Ribon Ui [BUG FIXES] - [DEV-732] Add Italian to FDM - [DEV-741] Make Booking UI - [DEV-751] Balance Due Problem - [DEV-755] CC details gone - [DEV-763] Manage Your Booking - [DEV-769] Auto-email additional parameters - [DEV-770] FrontDesk menu - missing translate and read languages from cookies - [DEV-771] To refund problem - [DEV-773] Restore bookings from NoSHOW - [DEV-776] Reservation - Split problem - [DEV-777] Wrong Rate in booking - [DEV-778] BUG: Create Invoice - [DEV-779] Not possible to open the booking - [DEV-780] Av Calednar - [DEV-781] Edit transaction in different currency - [DEV-782] HostelsClub - not downloading bookings - [DEV-783] Global doesn't include Min Stay - [DEV-784] Global for MyAllocator not working - problem with price from no season - [DEV-785] BE not showing rooms - [DEV-789] Reservation - problem with change total value in payment tab 2.0.8 2016-12-07 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [DEV-739] QuickBooking part one - [2586] New login form + faster loading application [BUG FIXES] - [2396] Reservation - Cancelling nights in the booking - [2770] Global Log / Global didn't work - [2882] Reservation - Wrong balance in reservation - [2977] Reservation - Invoice Chile - [2986] Quick - Add status to auto-email settings - [2992] Reservation -Timeout problem - [3016] Blacklisted Guest - [3045] Reservation - Split vs Commission - [3076] Reservation - Booking for wrong number of people HW - [3078] Auto-email - [3079] #days in strategy - [3084] Item categories in report - [3085] BookingEngine - not working - [3086] All dorms/ private in Occupancy Report - [3091] Wrong availability update - change availability after block / unblock beds - [3092] Unassigned reservation - [3093] Missing CC details - [3096] POS doesn't allow to search LEAVING guests - [3100] BedView - QUICK UI - [3103] Date on invoice - [3106] Av. Calendar - [3107] Overlapping bookings! - Missing season periods - Save reservation - bug in notes - Tinymce - problem with plugins base url - [DEV-744] ChannelManager - not downloaded modification / cancel - [DEV-745] BE not working - extras throw exception - [DEV-746] Seasons - cann't save - [DEV-747] PriceMatrix - save prices per occupancy - [DEV-749] Delete Guest & Booking - [DEV-750] Wrong AV update - [DEV-756] Reports doesn't work 2.0.7 2016-11-15 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [1901] Sales for Staff - [1941] Right-click on BedView - [2172] Inventory - new window - [2827] Reservation - user can add reservation when availability is zero - [2984] BedView - BedNote - Last edited [BUG FIXES] - [2136] Split booking - [2646] Cancel reservation vs update - bug - [2813] BedView - drag room type change - [2877] BedView - Not reading the time frame when RT is available. - [2917] Reports - wrong data + shift log realtime - [2928] Notifications - fixed send notification, send email - [2968] Reservation - refresh history - [2972] BUG: Transactions list - editing transactions without userId/currencyId - [2975] Reservation - Assigning to the second room - [2977] Invoice Chile - [2979] BUG: Values in reports - [2988] Reservation - Add Room Type to booking dosn't work - [2989] UI - dropdown size - [2944] Reservation - overview ui changes - [2968] Reservation - load / refresh history tab - [2996] Reservation - status change vs history - [3012] Reservation - change roomtype dosn't work - [3014] Emails - multiple emails after modification from CM - [3020] Strategies - missing prices, dates - [3023] BE - missing CC info - added logs - [3025] ChannelManager - wrong people number in reservation from MyAllocator - [3026] Guests Number Report - wrong data - [3033] Reservation - Disappearing data - [3036] POS - missing currency - [3056] Inventory showing bad number - [3058] HostelClub Reservation - Reservations with the wrong number of people - [3059] Reservation - Cann't open Deposits tab - [3040] ChannelManager - modification processes in the wrong currency - [3043] Settings - change tax key - [3044] Invoice Adjustment - [3051] Reservation View - online bookings dosn't work - [3052] Booking assigned to already occupied beds - [3053][3054][3055] Wrong prices - [3062] Problematic Booking Notifications are not sent - [3065] Search doesn't work - [3066] Modification changes the price 2.0.6 2016-10-26 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [1737] BedView - added bed note - [2852] Optimization - Opening Room Manager - [2967] ReservationView - faster loading and viewing form [BUG FIXES] - PriceMatrix - save restrictions - [2136] Split booking - small fixed - [2645] Notifications for Channel Problematic Reservation - [2815] Despegar - first connection - global error - [2892] BUG: cannot save manual edited invoice - [2921] BedView - Block Bed Info - [2926] Reservation status do not change - [2956] Reports - remove unnecessary data - [2957] Close Rate/Close Room error - [2960][2959][2928][2942] Notifications - fixed send notification, send email - [2963] Reservation - fixed problem with blink loading after save - [2966] BedView - added nights to reservation - [2968] Reservation - refresh history - [2974] ComboboxMultiSelector - fixed problem with check/uncheck all elements - [2977] Invoice Chile 2.0.5 2016-10-19 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [1847] Real time in current shift - [1901] Sales for Staff - [2136] Split booking - [2277] Reservation - enabled room type edit - [2299] Take Payment - [2599] POS: quick improvements - [2770] Global + Global Log [BUG FIXES] - [2634] BedView - small changes - [2819] Reservation from BE - change availability value - [2879] Timeout - optimization, better performance - [2902] Reservation - Take payment not working - [2914] Inactive rooms - hide inactive rooms in application - [2917] Reports - wrong data - [2929] Reservation Missing CC information for reservation from - [2930] Reservation - set correct rate for reservations from portals - [2933] Reservation - Surcharge and Wrong Balance - [2934] Reservation - missing user name in history - [2935] Reports - Revenue report export csv - [2937] PriceMatrix - problem with stop working calendar for restrictions - [2939] PriceMatrix - save prices 2.0.4 2016-10-12 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [2736] Optimization - Opening AV & Rate Calendar - [2833] Optimization - Save AV & Rate Calendar [BUG FIXES] - [2891] ReservationView - wrong columns in export - [2894] Guest Demographics Repor - wrong data in the report - [2895] Booking Channel Summary - [2896] Bills and Vendors - editing show vendor data - [2908] Average Daily Rate / Occupancy Report - wrong data in the report - [2539] AV Calendar - sort values in dropdown - [2567] Invoice Summary - [2890] Data in BM Commision - [2905] Problematic text - [2910] Property name in chat - [2911] Manage Properties - wrong refresh data after save - [2917] Data in raports - problem with dates and time - [2915] Deposit - refresh correct value - [2920] Prices in reservation - [2840] Change room type in reservation - [2919] Guest in the same bed - fix availability + validation - [2898] HW Credentials - fix problem with incorrect password 2.0.3 2016-10-05 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [2331] Optimization - Accounts & Transactions - [2732] Optimization - Invoices optymization - [2736] Optimization - Opening Av & Rate Calendar - [2772] Optimization - Opening Point of Sale - [2860] Opening Create Bill [BUG FIXES] - [2373] SignalR - refresh bedview, connect users (part 1) - [2478] Change hostel - [2567] Invoice Summary - [2685] Show on bedview - [2735] Incorrect prices - [2765] Blacklist - [2788] Bills & Vendors - [2794] Notifications vs SA - [2796] HW Password - wrong password can't save to db + show password in logs - [2797] BedView - fix problem with move nights - [2818] Expedia not working + / HW / Expedia fix logger - save in correct file - [2824] Values in reports - [2829] Double click to reload reservations - [2834] Hostal Providencia - different currency payment problem - [2837] Problem with save Av Calendar - [2842] BedView filters - [2849] UI change - [2868] Save guest details + requried fields - [2869] Save guest details + requried fields - [2870] Saving reservation - find guest exception - [2871] Keys - added bug - [2873] Reports and dashboard not working - [2874] UI quick - [2875] BedView bugs - error after move reservation - [2879] Timeout when saving reservation (part 1) - [2880] Data in Occupancy report - [2883] Timeout Expedia - [2884] Problem with modification and wrong dates in reservations - [2885] Deposit - not show + Small fix in CM - [2889] Wrong balance - calculate currency - [2890] Data in BM Commision - Small changes in expand currency - Reservation: Disable email validation 2.0.2 2016-09-29 [BUG FIXES] - [2870] Saving reservation - find guest exception - [2834] Hostal Providencia - different currency payment problem - [2868] Save guest details + requried fields - [2869] Save guest details + requried fields 2.0.1 2016-09-27 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [2773] Sale from POINT OF SALE - [2788] Bills & Vendors - Optymalization / Bug - [2796] SHOW HW Password in logs - [2820] Opening Deposit/Withdraw window in A&T - [2821] Occupancy Report quick [BUG FIXES] - Chromebook is not a phone - [2261] Room Type Metrics Improvements 2 - [2645] Channel Problematic Reservation - [2693] The maximum number of days in reservation - [2735] Incorrect prices - [2746] Wrong balance + wrong calculate transactions from other currency - [2777] Bad availability / Cann't add a reservation - [2781] Change NoShow to Arriving - [2784] Added exsits users to hostel - [2794] Notifications and super admin - [2809] Invoices - does not open - [2810] Opening deposit tab - [2813] BedView drag room type change - [2814] BE throw error - [2817] Printing invoice - [2818] Expedia not working properly - [2824] Values in reports - [2825] CM Bug: Show password - [2830] Bad values on invoice - [2838] Unblock bed vs send close rate to portal - [2848] Wrong availability - problem with save reservation - [2850] BLACKLIST Guests - [2851] Error extending booking - problem with duplicate prices - [2863] Save prices in PriceMatrix - refresh after save - Multiple connect users to signalR 2.0.0 2016-09-20 [KNOWN ISSUES] [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - [Optimization][2593] Availabity & Rate Calendar - improving record - [Optimization][2596][2598] TakePayment - the acceleration of opening and saving - [Optimization][2595][2597] TakeDeposits - the acceleration of opening and saving - [Optimization] Invoices improvement in data loading with large amounts of data - [Optimization][2590] POS - the acceleration of opening - [Optimization][2582] Improved Query receiving price and availability (acceleration) - [Optimization][2581][2585] Reservation - the acceleration of opening windows - [Optimization][2738] Reservation - accelerating saving and accelerating validation availability - [Optimization][2510] Accounts & Transactions - accelerating data loading and opening windows - [Optimization][2531] Reservation - change the view to show to bed - [Optimization][2541] ReservationView - white "empty" spaces when reviewing data - [2783] Sales report - added time in dates + guest column - [1925] BedView - Icons - [1924] BedView - descriptions [BUG FIXES] - [Bugfix] Incorrect prices on the calendar entered manually - [Bugfix] AuricVault - encryption of credit card data in the database + shipping external server - [Bugfix] Expedia - adding a reservation - [Bugfix] BedView - adding nights to book in a currency other than Defaultowe - [Bugfix] - parsing booking - [Bugfix] Problems with the download payment and record guest - [2734] Sale Item saving count - [2743] ABR - wrong dates - [2769] Fix transfer money window - [2771] SaleItemReport - fix data in raport - [2763] Emails - correct nights value - [2739] Wrong info about Balance Due - [2747] Currency in transaction window - [2690] Despegar update - 4 dcimals in rates - [2802] Take deposit error - [2803] Change RT - [2804] Add new rate - [2805] Unblacklist error - [2806] Pay Later error - [2719] Reservations for occupancies rooms - [2719] Reservation on the already busy room - [2745] There is no data CC reservations with - [2760] Seaguls H - turn off - [2766] No booking from HW - [2780] Wrong balance due - [2782] Error in shift switch - [2785] Downloading reservations from - [2123] BedView - scrolling vertical - [2750] BedView - Real time issue in BedView